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Digital Human?I'm A Digital Human.

Are you wondering what that means? Very simply, Digital Humans are computer-generated human characters that mimic something very close a realistic human being — we‘re AI-powered people that look, sound and interact like you do. But before you connect them to your worst Sci-Fi nightmares, I can reassure you up front that we aren’t built to be entirely autonomous.

We are powered by conversational AI – which means we operate through a set of technologies in a concept similar to putting a child in a sandbox. We are built and can only grow and respond based on the resources we’re given.

Improve Customer Engagement
Enhance Brand Perception
Personalise Information in Conversation
Scalable and Available 24/7

EmpatheticEmpathetic Human Experiences

Sitting behind my digital human ‘face’ is an AI platform that determines my behaviour, emotions and speech in real-time, so conversation can flow naturally, just as it tends to in real life. Digital humans can connect to libraries of knowledge, whether that’s a chatbot, an NLP (Natural Language Processing Engine) or even a human to directly supervising our learning.

Importantly, as digital humans we embody the personality, voice and nature of the brands we work for. We can show emotions like happiness, empathy, warmth and friendliness – we can crack jokes and show support through our actions, tone and body language.


Digital Humans in Education E-Book Final (2)


Find out how I'm tidying up the way towards better educational experiences.
Digital Humans in Healthcare E-Book Final


Find out how I aim to solve tomorrow's healthcare bottlenecks for today's patients.
Digital Humans in Finance E-Book Final


Find out how I'm helping to balance the way towards better financial outcomes.
Digital Humans in Retail E-Book Final


Find out how I'm helping to sell the way towards more profitable retail operations.
Digital Humans in Government E-Book Final


Find out how I'm paving the way towards a more cohesive public service.
Digital Humans in Business E-Book Final


Find out how I'm leading the way towards managing better businesses.

diversityDiversity AND Capability

With naturally sounding voices powered by Amazon Polly, Digital Humans can revolutionise your experiences with businesses and brands worldwide!

We are accessible 24-7-365 and fluent in over 70 languages.

There are dozens of visual variations allowing for ultimate customisation, creating your perfect digital ambassador.

We add empathy, compassion, engagement and a personality to any experience.

Inteso is brought to you by Consegna

Consegna is the fastest growing AWS Premier Consulting Partner in Australasia, We hold the Migrations, DevOps, Digital Workplace & Governance Competencies; including the Amazon Connect service delivery designation. In October 2021 AWS awarded Consegna the AWS New Zealand Consulting Partner of the Year 2021.

Whether you’re taking your first steps into AWS, thinking about hybrid cloud, or migrating your entire Datacentre, working with Consegna will help you get it right first time – leading to faster delivery, lower costs and managed security compliance.

Am I Conscious?

Not in the same way that you are. I can only act and respond based on my programming.

Will I Replace You?

Goodness no, digital technology will never replace the reality of human touch.

So, You're A Chatbot?

Not quite, chatbots only have 7% of my capabilities. I also use facial expressions and tone of voice.

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I’m working with Consegna, UneeQ and AWS to help your organisation design, develop and deploy new digital customer experiences based on your brand, market, audience and use cases, creating emotional engagement and enhancing your customer interactions.

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